
How To Draw Anime & Game Characters, Vol. 4: Mastering Battle And Action Moves Pdf

In this tutorial, you will larn how to describe anime-mode optics.

I will explicate the different shapes and styles, how to use basic colors, how some expressions work, and finally, how to draw anime-way eyes as a part of an illustration. Y'all tin can also follow this step-by-step video tutorial (in Spanish only):


  1. Bones Centre Written report
  2. Real Eyes vs Anime Eyes: Proportions
  3. Variations
  4. Styles and Greyscale
  5. Shapes and Colors of Anime Eyes
  6. How to Color Anime Eyes
  7. Expressions for Anime Optics
  8. Final Illustration and Anime Eyes

1. Basic Center Study

Before you kickoff drawing and designing anime-style eyes, it is essential to larn the basic shapes of real eyes. This will make the stylization process much easier.

ii. Real Optics vs Anime Eyes: Proportions

Take a expect at the paradigm below to see the deviation between real eye proportions and anime-fashion proportions.

iii. Variations

Since at that place are so many types and shapes when it comes to anime optics, kickoff you lot demand to recall near what kind of eyes you desire to create.

4. Styles and Greyscale

This is a skillful mode to arroyo the exaggerated version of anime eyes. Starting from some elongated shapes, add the necessary gray tones to create depth, always keeping the highlights and the structures that are most interesting to you in mind. See that in steps 1 and ii, I've only sketched the basic construction of the middle. Here, you get the base for your heart and a guide to help you figure out where to place the greyness tones.

In step 3, I utilize subtle grays (I make the educatee area a little darker than the residual of the eye).

In step four, I add darker grays to create depth on the upper office of the eye considering the eyelid casts shadows on the eyeball. In this step, I experimented a bit and added a lighter grey in the center of the student, to insert some originality.

In steps 5 and 6, I define and enhance the grays and textures.

In step 7, I brush upwards and particular all areas, as well every bit adding some extra polish a little less intense than the rest of the highlights.

To see all the details of this process, please have a look at the video at the beginning of the tutorial.

5. Shapes and Colors of Anime Eyes

It is helpful to split the middle creation process into a few steps.

Allow's get dorsum and pause information technology downwards once more and add the coloring procedure. Let me prove you some coloring techniques parting from the grayscale drawing that we already accept from the previous part:

Remember: On acme of the basic grays with their respective gradients, add brightness and textures that match the style of your drawing (meet the instance in the previous bespeak).

Steps one and two, offset by making the eyelids, this will help you to figure out where to identify the iris and the residual of the eye.

In step 3, add together some basic greyness tones (cheque affiliate 4. "Styles and greyscale") and then…

In step 4, I gear up the color layer's blending fashion. In this case, I used Overlay, but y'all are free to endeavour a few out and choose some other mode that you like better. This fashion, the colour that you lot add will be perfectly integrated with the gray tones. On the right, yous can see where the blending modes for layers are located in my software. The default mode is "Normal". From here you can play effectually and find which style y'all are comfortable with.

If you're aiming for colorful, engaging anime eyes, vibrant, saturated colors may exist best.

6. How to Color Anime Eyes

Hither y'all can see the results from using different colors and blending modes. I used the Overlay way for purple, Vivid Lite for yellow, and Pin Light for the blue tones and the pink details. They blend swell with the grey layer.

The key is to know where yous want to place the grey gradients, the darker areas, and the highlights. Please become back to chapter iv. "Styles and greyscale" when in doubt.

Endeavour different colors and see which ones are all-time for the issue you're trying to attain. In this analogy, I chose 2 costless colors: regal and yellowish – with pink and bluish tints.

Grayscale coloring steps:

In 1, I simply started with the previously created grayscale drawing.

In steps ii and 3, choose whatever color you fancy —imperial, with some blueish in my example— and try a blending mode that blends well with the greyscale.

In steps iv and 5, I add some yellow using the Brilliant light blending way.

In step half dozen, I usually soften the dots a fleck,  by using the eraser or decreasing the layer opacity.

Finally, in step vii, I only add together the finishing touches to emphasize volumes and textures.

7. Expressions for Anime Optics

In existent life and in the manga/anime world, eyes are ane of the about of import features to express emotion. Remember that a series of facial muscles tighten or relax, depending on the expression you want to achieve.
Let's have a look at the eyelids, the inner center, and the eyebrows.

The emotions intended in these examples are like shooting fish in a barrel to understand.

In case 1, the eyebrow is a bit tense, but the eye is relaxed and shining. This conveys a worried land or maybe missing someone or something.

In example 2, the eyebrow is arched vertically, and the eye is closed, so we can deduce that the character is happy.

In the next case (three), there is no shine to the eye, the iris is completely white, and the student is reduced significantly. This shows that the character is aggressive. Note that the eyebrow is arched in the contrary direction of the happy one in example 2, which also signifies anger.

Let us check all these expressions to deduce their meaning: 4 is suspicion, 5 is worry, 6 is neutral or observing, 7 is shock, eight is sadness, and 9 is shock or madness, depending on the situation.

8. Concluding Illustration and Anime Optics

Hither is a character illustration with anime eyes. Note how the colors and shapes piece of work together.


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